Maintaining a long healthy life for your Sphynx

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However, depending on the type and severity of the individual’s allergic reactions, there are some who still cannot tolerate any feline dander. Sphynx are medium-sized, substantial cats, and not fragile in any way. As with most cats, adult males are larger than females. Sphynx has sturdy boning, good muscle development, and a bit of a firm belly. The Sphinx is a healthy cat with no known specific health or genetic problems. In general, the breed is a very robust cat with a normal cat's lifespan. Bath: Body oils, which would normally be absorbed by the hair, tend to buildup on the skin. As a result, regular cleaning (usually in the form of bathing) is necessary; one bath every one and a half to two weeks is usually sufficient. I use baby body wash because of their sensitive skin. Apply a little coconut oil to dirty areas to loosen dirt before bathing. Over-bathing could cause your kitten to secrete more oils. A small wet warm hand towel is great for touch-ups between baths. Eyes: Sphynx tend to have eye boogers as they do not have eyelashes to protect their eyes from dirt. You can cleanse around their eyes with a warm wet washcloth. Ears: Your Sphynx will also have a black waxy buildup in their ears. This is normal for the breed. You can use a warm washcloth to remove this buildup or an ear cleaner from your local pet store or vet. A small amount of ear cleaner added to the end of a Q-tip will get that wax build up right out. Please avoid harsh cleansers as sphynx may be sensitive and have an allergic reaction to them. Also, be careful when using cotton swabs to not push any wax back into the ear canal as this may lead to infection. Nails: Your Sphynx should have their nails trimmed and cleaned regularly. When clipping nails, be sure to avoid clipping into the pink vein area inside the nail as this causes discomfort to your kitten. You can use a regular toenail clipper for kittens and a cat clipper on adults. A Sphynx will get a black waxy buildup on their nails, and this is normal for the breed. It works best to clean them with a wet washcloth or hypoallergenic pet wipes. Teeth: Kittens can often have stained teeth. This discoloration is from the oil on their mother’s skin. Their adult teeth will come in pearly white! Diet: Sphynx have a higher metabolism than most cats because they need to work a little harder to keep their body temperature warm due to being hairless. It is important to keep quality dry food and freshwater available at all times so they can eat as much as they need to. I also recommend good quality wet kitten food two times a day as well when they are young. Never give your Sphynx kitten cows milk or milk products like cheese. However, they love Goats milk or Kitten milk. Litter Box: A clean litter box is essential! Remember, feline illnesses live in the litter box. Vet: Be sure to find a vet who is familiar with the Sphynx breed! You should contact your vet to schedule an initial vet visit within 48-72 hours after your cat's arrival. You may want to ask for specific tests to rule out any potential issues. This is the prime time to do so as it will ensure your baby has a healthy transition into its new environment. Vaccines: Your kitten will be up to date on vaccines before he/she leaves. A booster vaccine is recommended in one year and then once every three years. Never give FIP or FELV vaccines to your kittens, and never give two different vaccines on the same day unless it is a combo vaccine. It is too hard on your little kitten, and many cats have had severe reactions to two vaccines given on the same day. FIP vaccines are often time fatal if your cat has ever been exposed to the coronavirus, in which 90% of cats in a multiple cat household have been exposed. They will break out with the fatal form of FIP if given the vaccine. There is no known treatment for FIP; it is fatal. Upper respiratory: Kittens may stress when they are going to a new home. Occasionally they may start to sneeze, cough, or have runny, sore eyes. Usually, they get over this by themselves, but sometimes they need to be put on antibiotics. Your vet will know how to take care of this. Even though Sphynx is considered “hairless” cats, this is not always true. They can have some fuzz similar to peach fuzz on their bodies. This can come and go throughout their life. As far as temperature goes, if you are comfortable, your sphynx should be comfortable. But it is always recommended that there is a blanket or warm spot the cat/kitten can snuggle into if it is cold. Care should be taken to limit the Sphynx cat’s exposure to outdoor sunlight, as they can develop sunburn. These loving cats do require and crave attention. They don't like being alone. If you have a busy work life, we recommend purchasing two cats so that they can keep one another company. sphynx kittens for sale united states | sphynx kittens for sale 2022 | sphynx kitten for sale near me | sphynx kitten for adoption near me | sphynx cats available for adoption | sphynx cats for sale near me | sphynx cats for sale craigslist | sphynx cats for sale cheap | sphynx kittens for sale united states | sphynx kittens for sale near me | sphynx cat kittens for sale near me | sphynx cats for adoption near me | hypoallergenic kittens for adoption | hypoallergenic cats near me for sale | adoptable hypoallergenic cats near me | hypoallergenic cats near me for adoption | hypoallergenic cats for adoption near me | hypoallergenic kittens for adoption near me | hairless cats for sale near me | hairless cats adoption | adoptable hairless cats near me | hairless cats near me for sale | hairless cat for sale near me


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